Friday, December 21, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Myths and Legends|| The BBB is One of Them...

Accolades to my Friend Chris Swope for This original post...

Entrepreneurs here in the US have a very interesting phenomenon called the better business bureau. It is a so-called watchdog group that has attained legendary status in the business community. You're either in, or your out.... and too many entrepreneurs have misguided notions of what it's really all about.

The BBB Is NOT What It Seems

Some people mistakenly look at the BBB as a credible government entity that handles disputes between customers and businesses that is run by tax dollars. First of all, it is not a government agency, it is a private company. The common misconception is that if a business is a member of the BBB and has a good rating, then they must be a good, positive, and credible business. Another problem this brings up is that if a business receives a 'bad' rating, they are not able to dispute/resolve their complaints UNLESS THE BUSINESS PAYS TO BE A MEMBER. Sounds like a conflict of interest to me.

See the BBB takes "subscription" or "membership" donations from businesses. This means that businesses are the BBB's source of income (even though they classify themselves as non-profit). Businesses are their object of complaint. So, if I as a consumer complains to the BBB, they are complaining about one of the BBB's sources of income. Obviously, this is a problem.

Just about the only thing that the BBB does, is give the business that is being reported the opportunity to respond, only after they have paid their membership dues. What a joke.

To give you an example, I checked out my local Wal-Mart: they are a "member" of the BBB. They have had one complaint against them, but it apparently was resolved. So, they have an "AA" rating. I checked out the local Lowe's. They have 14 unresolved complaints against them and have an "F" rating. They are NOT members of the BBB.

What makes this kind of fishy is the number of lodged complaints. These stores are no more than a couple of miles from each other and so have basically the same customer base. I find it impossible to believe that the BBB has only received one complaint against Wal-Mart and 14 against Lowe's. This makes me suspect that a) the BBB is not recording complaints against their members; b) the BBB is not recording responses from non-members; c) the BBB might be "creating" complaints against non-members. Or some combination of these or others.

One final irony: if you have a complaint against the Better Business Bureau, you can't file it with the Better Business Bureau. The Better Business Bureau is not a member of its own organization!

Moral of the story: You can't look at the BBB as a credible source of business information. The facts they publish are skewed by the mere business model that they use - paid memberships.

Thanks again to Chris swope. Check back with the wealth practicum on a regular basis for our updates. Peace and success to you.

Matt Hempel

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Clarity and What I've Learned in 3 Years

I've discovered something.... something so liberating, so simplifying.... it's clarity. Clarity is essential for the home based business entrepreneur. I'll share some things today that will make a difference for you..... on CLARITY.

In effect, some real, no BS, Hype-free, unvarnished insight from someone that’s been successful in the industry for over three 3 years now….. pretty valuable stuff I’m thinking…

Clarity?? Yes, I said clarity….. perhaps the most important commodity available for your progress, sanity and success in business.

There’s so damn much noise in the marketplace today…

There are legions of pretenders out there… People who have no business giving advice on everything -- regurgitating stuff in ebooks, articles and emails that they lifted from someone else, all claiming to be the final authority on making money online, or mark.eting, or how to groom your dog or whatever.....

We’re bombarded by information, aggressive advertising, negative news, outrageous claims, people talking a lot of smack…… I mean everyone’s an expert, right? Or at least they claim to be….

In the meantime, so many of us are still looking for “it”, “the answer”, or “how it all fits together”…… well, look no further.

It’s time for some Real, unvarnished, un-hyped CLARITY….

But first, you’re saying “what qualifies you Matt on the topic of success in home business and online marketing”.

We love it when people ask that because we get to talk facts again….

1. 3+ Years successfully generating 100,000+/ year in profit for our family with our business.

2. Successfully transitioning from suit and tie (stressed, overworked, miserable) corporate 6 figure earner to home business entrepreneur/ stay home dad.

3. Successfully implementing the leading methods of marketing on and offline and teaching other team members how to do the same…..

4. Great relationships with some of the best marketing and success minds in the industry today – People who are mentors and leaders that get things done and aren’t afraid to tell the truth.

‘Nuff said….. you get the point.

Now for the meat of it…. [Clarity]… (drum roll Please)... What I’ve distilled after 3+ years in this industry.

Three things I believe that are important when evaluating any opportunity, business situation, or inves.tment on your part.

1. Is there sufficient leverage? Does it provide an opportunity for you to multiply your efforts through use of technology, other people’s time or money, or leadership example so you don’t reinvent the wheel? Can you work once and get paid on that work again and again? If you want to trade straight time for money, stick with a 9-5 job. If you want to create wealth and residual income, you’ve got to have leverage.

2. Is there marketing and marketing training in place? This is absolutely essential. You may represent the next vitamin that will reverse the aging process for the entire planet, but if no one knows, you’re dead….. I’ve seen more good people fail in home business with lack of marketing knowledge than anything else.

3. Is there a duplicatable system in place? If you want to do something creative, go learn how to paint, or write a book or take acting classes. If you want success with the shortest route between here and there, find a system that works.

Now, obviously there are a lot of people out there jumping up and down saying what you have to do to be successful….. some of it’s true, some of it’s BS.

All I’m saying is that for clarity’s sake, without these three elements it’s like buying a lottery ticket….. You may get lucky, but odds are all you did is make a little contribution to the lottery fund.

Finally, let common sense apply….

A business requires work. I don’t know of anything out there that doesn’t require some work. There are too many charlatans out there that give our industry a bad name by promising something for no work.

You must move towards the mindset of an entrepreneur if you want to get big entrepreneur results. Think like an employee to get employee results.

Practice personal development. When I don’t, my results suffer. I don’t know why this is, it just is…. I’ve stopped fighting this universal principle a long time ago.

There’s more to come. Next time, we’ll introduce you to one of the best examples of leverage in the marketplace today.

We’ll also talk further about marketing techniques and mindset – things that make all the difference between you working your job another 5 years, or being financially independent in 5 years…… You get to choose.

Until next time,

To Your Infinite Possibility,
Matt and Aisha Hempel


Monday, November 12, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Thank You Veterans and Freedom Lovers Everywhere

Today is a day that is often overlooked in the rush of everyday life online: Veterans Day. Before I was a successful home business owner marketing online using the internet to generate sales, I was a pilot in the navy. I'm very proud of my service, and I'm very proud of all our servicemen and women, and those worldwide who dedicate their lives to freedom.

We have a open society, freedom of speech, freedom of commerce and international capitalism as a result of the sacrifices of many now and before we got here.

Thanks veterans. We owe you a debt of gratitude and sincere appreciation for all you do. I'm able to work from home as direct sales professional marketer because of your commitment. I encourage everyone to say thanks to a vet today. It will mean the world to them.

Yours in Service,
Matt Hempel

Friday, November 9, 2007

43 and JOB FREE at 43: How Sweet it Is to Be an EntreprenEUR

Well, here it is November 9 of 2007, and I've been a home based entrepreneur for over three years now with my own direct sales, network marketing business (Liberty League). This posting is a summary review of my experience and lessons learned in the home business industry.

What I've learned.

1. People are People - whether they're employees working for a company or in their own network marketing business.... they're still brilliant, stupid, lazy, resourceful, loving, spiteful, vindictive, lying, giving.... you get the Picture... They're HUMAN for crying out loud, and there's not much we can really do about it.

2. The 80/20 Rule Prevails..... whether you're talking about people, your marketing efforts, technology, what works and what doesn't.... The trick is to constantly focus on finding the "20%" that provides you the most leverage.

3. Leverage is king. This is the official "Hempel Corollary" to the *80/20 Rule and it must be respected. Anger the leverage gods at your own peril.... find out more by going to my article on leverage at
No one to my knowledge, unless they won the lottery or got a fat inheritance became wealthy without leverage.

4. More often than not, when something isn't going quite right, it's me getting in my own way. Mindset is so important and mindset is driven by the conversation we're having with ourselves on a constant basis. Do you build yourself up? or put yourself down? Be mindful of your inner conversation and watch your mindset transform.

5. Everyone is playing a game. What's your game? and how do you win? what are the rules like? Are you playing a big, juicy wide-open game? or are you playing a "late in the 4th quarter, up by 13 points" game of safety, no mistakes.... playing not to lose. All of us are playing a game here while we're on this planet and WE get to choose what the game is and how we'll play it. When I play safety game, i'm Flat, uninspired, ineffective to a large degree and low impact on other people and the world around me. I also don't make as much money.. which is an interesting parallel... isn't it?

Each one of these points is really a topic unto itself. I'll get more out there, but for now, this entrepreneur is playing a big game of life that will yield success, good fortune, huge positive impact on others and a new legacy worth bragging about.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Are Baby Boomers Ready to Retire?

This blog entry is inspired by my friend Debbie Ruston, . Really fascinating stuff around the baby boomer generation and retirement. Will anyone REALLY Retire? or are most retirees looking for the perfect retirement business? What we've found is that most retirement age people are more entrepreneurial than we previously thought... read on.

I recently read an interesting article on retirement, with some equally interesting statistics from the survey they conducted....Nearly 1/5, or 18% of men aged 45-60 who either retired early to start their own business or plan to do so said they expect to work for themselves "until they die". Among the boomer businesswomen, 12% said they will run their own businesses indefinitely.

The survey also found that this baby boomer group plans to work longer than ever. One in five said they expect to run their business for more than a decade while 38% targeted a working span between 6-10 years.

What the survey found is that many baby boomers are looking at this next stage in life as an opportunity to start new careers and new businesses. When these folks were questioned on why they want to keep working, 46% of men and 34% of women said it was mainly to stay occupied, .....27% of men and 31% of women said it was something they had always dreamed of......and 26% of men and 25% of women said they needed the money.

Don't you just love statistics? It seems like everyone feeds on statistics. I prefer a different message and that is ..everything in life is a CHOICE!! In their innermost hearts, most people want to own a business, they want independence, they want CHOICE in their life.

What brings more options and more choice into our lives? Money, time freedom and the ability to open our perspective to whats really possible. Three things, so simple but so elusive for most people because they don't really think they can do it.... they have no CHOICE.

Most will let fear hold them back from doing what they truly want. Take control of your life! If you have the entrepreneurial spirit, it is critical you honor that spirit and give life to it. Start a business today, even if it's selling lemonade at the roadside. It is truly liberating to have choice in your life..... Choose Choice.

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Play the Game on Your Terms

Every once in a while, you develop a truly meaningful personal and business relationship with an extraordinary person. It's like a gem, a secret weapon... a true source of entrepreneurial inspiration and action.

My associate and friend's name is Lawerence West, co-owner of Infinity Technology LLC, a premiere provider of consulting, engineering and contract support services to the federal government.

I've known Lawrence now for over 9 years, and never cease to gain valuable insight and ideas from him from a business and entrepreneurial perspective. He and I worked together at KPMG Consulting, then BearingPoint for several years.

He left a secure position to start his own business and has been successful in several ventures since 2001. We've remained close primarily because of our love of new business ideas, entrepreneurial ventures, being successful, and contributing to others. I'm constantly inspired by a guy who doesn't make excuses.... just thinks big, and gets results.

Find someone that inspires you, keeps you fresh and on purpose. Finding your own Lawrence will make all the difference as you move forward in your business and professional life.

I'll see if I can talk Lawrence into an interview.... and yes, I promise you'll be inspired.... to your entrepreneurial success.....

Matt Hempel

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Entrepreneurs: A Little Media for You: Kate Bernhardt

I Love the creativity Here. Bunch of college kids put this together and it's TIGHT. here you go. my sister in law and she's friggin brilliant. cheers.

In Outstanding Service,
Matt Hempel

Monday, October 22, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Use MySpace Web 2.0 To Build Business

As the owner of a direct response sales company, i'm always looking for fresh new ways to market online. One of the best ways to market using attraction marketing techniques is with

As with anything, it's important to employ certain techniques in setting up your profile. One of the most important is to have a professional profile layout. I've found a company that offers free professional layouts. It's as simple as copy and paste and you're done.

Iron Spider

Take a look at what they offer, you won't be disspointed. Here's to success in direct sales marketing for home business entrepreneurs using web 2.0 technology!!

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Friday, October 19, 2007

Entrepreneurs Taking Action: Our Marketing Instruction Works!

Just had to get this picture out there. The joy of being one... full self expression is what I call it....

It's incredibly gratifying to see a fellow online home business entrepreneur have fantastic results by implementing things that you've taught him. In my Liberty League Business, a guy from the UK on my team has developed a tremendous blog that speaks to all things we teach in the Effective Marketing 101 training course we offer.

Results speak, walk the talk. Thanks Paul for being a tremendous example of what's possible, what happens WHEN YOU TAKE ACTION. Entrepreneurs taking action.... it's a beautiful thing. Check out Paul's Excellent blog at

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Class Reunion and an Entrepreneur's 3 Reasons Why

Well Everyone, here it is..... I officially attended my 25 year High School Class Reunion on October 6. I almost didn't go, but am so happy I did. It was an incredibly gratifying experience to reconnect with everyone and fill in the blanks of 25 years of living.

Of course, everyone wants to know what you're doing for a living and where you live. I got to thinking about what I do and why I do it. Why take the risk to be a home business entrepreneur? Why not work a job? I mean seriously, I walked away from a six figure consulting position with a well known international company to start a business working from home three years ago......

I've distilled it into three key points.... but first, PICTURES FROM THE REUNION

Ok, now the three reasons why I do what I do and will never work for corporate again.
And this is what I told my classmates who asked....

1. Money and Time: I had no leverage in corporate. If I am to serve as many people as possible and make the multiple six to seven figure annual income i deserve, I could not continue trading my time (Life) for money. I had to find leverage.

2. Flexibility and Family My daughter will never be warehoused in daycare. I waited long enough to have her in my life, I'm damn well going to spend as much time with her as possible:: daycare doesn't fit in that equation.

3. Flexibility and Family (part 2): My wife has a career she LOVES. Unfortunately, she's required to move every couple years as a Marine Corps Officer. As a corporate drone, crawling to work and back in the horrific traffic, I could never support her to the extent I do. I think Hawaii or Belgium will be the next assignment... nice... and I can make great money with my internet direct sales business from anywhere in the world. Now that's flexibility.

Happy Reunion.

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

BlogRush - 60 Hours Old and Exploding across the Internet

Join me today and earn credit and page visits quickly. This is a "blog exchange" program where you agree to post relevant blogs on your site using a "widget". As people sign up under you for the program, you earn credits and more traffic to your blog.

Sign Up for BlogRush Today!!

Entrepreneurs: Disabling the Blocking Mechanism to Create Wealth

What is it that some people seem to have that seemingly attracts success, money, opportunity and and wealth to them? Why do some entrepreneurs struggle while others make money and grow business effortlessly.

I recently had a discussion with this gentleman on this topic. I use the word gentleman to make a point. I love this guy and his family who have taught me the art of allowing, the importance of personal development, and that we're all on our own journey. It's who we choose to walk along side that makes all the difference in that journey.

So why "Disable the Blocking Mechanism" as titled here? In our business opportunity here with Liberty League we do a morning "wakeup to success" call that is designed to address a topic of personal development or business building...... a great way for everyone to get together to start the day.

We're talking this week about "being complete" with success and how important that is to the art of allowing. So many people throw up a blocking mechanism around success in business and making money.

It's part of our conditioning in many cases to find something wrong in a success situation. So the next time you find yourself making something wrong in the midst of a success:: STOP, take a deep breath, and remove the blocking mechanism.

Be complete with the success, practice the art of allowing, and be the successful, money attracting, success- attracting entrepreneur you are. Wealth creation begins with how we think, and how willing we are to disable our blocking mechanisms. It's a choice, choose well.

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Clarity Through Contrast Diagnostic to Achieve Results

Why would I give up a promising corporate career as a successful management consultant for BearingPoint? People ask me all the time why I quit my job and went into the home based business industry. The video above of my daughter Abigail says it all.

I live in suburban Washington DC where it's all about the commute, the government or contractor job, and climbing the corporate ladder. It's incredible how many people are stuck in a way of life that is simply not congruent with who they really are and what they really want.

I've become very successful in assisting the typical employee or executive that has lost their way in transitioning to successful entrepreneurship. There are some very simple, proven strategies that I employ with people to assist them in achieving the lifestyle they really desire.

Frankly, though, it begins with a clarity of perspective that someone really must assess where they are. They must be real with themselves about the situation they've created and where they want to be.

I call this "Clarity through Contrast". It's a very powerful diagnostic exercise where I have an individual who really wants a change in their lives to list out all of the things they have that that don't want (long commute, limited income, no time with family, caustic corporate politics), and identify the opposite, or contrast to those undesirable attributes.

It works every time. People are able to solidify their purpose, what's really important to them, in priority order. This one diagnostic exercise can make all the difference for a worn out executive.

Contact me today for your Clarity through Contrast Diagnostic. Discover how you can create the lifestyle of your choice and get out of the rat race of corporate politics. Entrepreneurs in home businesses are quietly emerging as a powerhouse in todays marketplace. People helping people make money and be home with their kids.

There's a better way.
In Service,
Matt Hempel

Monday, September 3, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Direct Sales Wealth Seminar London

I look forward to speaking with network marketing entrepreneurs in London, England on the 9th of September. Our Wealth Creation seminar will be filled with valuable information on marketing, thinking like an entrepreneur, cashflow vs. cost, "attraction marketing", goal setting, building the perfect online business work at home opportunity.

Meanwhile, you've got to see what it looks like when I simply put aside my fears and limitations and walked on fire. What a truly life changing, liberating experience.

London is clearly emerging as a strong new market for us and we're delighted to be sharing secrets of success to a select group of forward thinking entrepreneurs. We will reveal everything we know about making a six and 7 figure income working from home with your own lucrative business.

Internet income fortunes will be made... why not you this time?

In your Service,
Matt Hempel

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Creating Wealth In London, England

I'm pleased to announce the first-ever wealth building event for entrepreneurs, employees, business owners, franchise owners, retirees and anyone seeking a high cashflow, low investment home business. John Lavenia and I along with a growing team of UK entrepreneurs will be hosting the Life Without Limits Wealth Seminar on September 9th, 2007 in London, UK.

This is the first time ever that an event like this has been held in the UK. New information and cutting edge business methods will be shared with the select group of entrepreneurs that attend. We'll discuss wealth building, critical mindset components, Entrepreneurial decision making, marketing secrets, and other little know elements to successful home businesses.

This will be the most hard hitting, expository session you've ever attended. Nothing will be held back.

Once again, join us in London, England for the first ever Life Without Limits Wealth Seminar. The program will be geared to anyone who is looking for a home business, high cashflow, low investment franchise or small business. People from all walks of life will attend including executives, employees, stay home moms, white collar, blue collar workers.

Go to the Life Without LImits Wealth Seminar Homepage for more info.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Entrepreneurs: the 80/20 Rule and Keeping the Main Thing

In my Liberty League direct sales business, profits are huge and entrpreprenurs are looking for ways to make more money in direct sales using leverage. Marketing is also very important to grow business and get new customers. It's critical, though, to understand that leverage is the most powerful force in being profitable.

Identifying the areas of most significance leverage is critical in other words

The 80/20 rule was originally proposed by an Italian philospher, Pareto several centuries ago. He stated that 80 percent of your business would come from 20 percent of your customers, 80 percent of your problems would come from 20 percent of your customers and 80 percent of productivity comes from completing 20% of your tasks.

So think about how you prioritize your day and the things you have to do. What can be delegated? Outsourced? completed by your spouse, kids? associates? Keep the main thing the main thing and recognize that 80% of your benefit and profitabilty will come from 20% of your efforts. Thinking like an entrepreur, in home business direct sales.

Keeping the Main thing....
Matt Hempel

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Zig Zag to Success in Business

This is an excellent article By T. Harv Eker of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Book. It's required reading for all entrepreneurs in direct sales business to create wealth in business planning.

T.Harv Eker is the author of The Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth. I've gotten huge results from his book and his message.
Zig-Zag Your Way to Success
By T.Harv Eker

Although we'd prefer everything go perfectly straight from beginning to end, our journey to success seldom turns out that way.

In fact the "straight" route is completely unnatural. Did you know there are no perfectly straight lines in the universe? Everything is energy. Energy travels in waves. Therefore "straight" doesn't even exist. Yet, notice how when things go a little off course, most people get frustrated, get down, and want to give up.

So why do we get upset when things don't go the way we'd like them to go? Because we have an "expectation" that is virtually impossible to meet.

The simple truth is that the journey to success is full of twists, turns, ups, downs, stops and reverses. By fully understanding this fact, you can now begin or continue your journey knowing that you, like everyone else on this planet, will have to "zig zag" your way to success!

The beauty of this knowledge is that you won't be deluded into having unrealistic expectations of the "straight line to the top" syndrome. Without these expectations chances are you won't get as upset or even give up, when things aren't going your way, because you know being off track is normal and therefore "perfect".

A good example of what I'm talking about is man's mission to the moon in 1969. During that extraordinarily successful flight do you know how often the spacecraft was actually "on course"? Believe it or not, it was straight on path only 3 percent of the time. That means it spent 97 percent of the time, "off course"! That also means it spent the majority of its time, "correcting".

The same holds true for the journey to success. Expect to spend a large amount of your time, "correcting".

This is why "perfectionists" have a difficult time being highly successful. Perfectionism is a form of fear. It is usually based in the fear of failure or the fear of disapproval. In either case, perfectionism often leads to paralysis. Perfectionists are scared to death of making mistakes and therefore either avoid taking action or are painfully slow.

The truth is, most people are afraid to make mistakes. It's no wonder, since many of us grew up being embarrassed or "punished" for our mistakes. Yet if you want to succeed, you must be willing to accept mistakes and inefficiencies as part of the journey.

I'm sure you've heard of Babe Ruth. He was known as the home run king of baseball. What many people don't know, however, is that he was also the "strike out" king!

Mistakes are our natural way of learning. They are the "feedback" we need for correction.

Let me share with you the Ultimate Success Formula:

TAKE ACTION, GET THE FEEDBACK, LEARN, MAKE THE CORRECTION, TAKE MORE ACTION, ETC. Repeat this process again and again until you reach your goal.

As long as you continue this cycle, and NEVER GIVE UP, in the long run, can you see how it is it virtually impossible to fail?

This month adopt the attitude that correction is natural and focus on continuously acting and correcting until you get to wherever you want to go.

The secret to success is to "zig zag" your way to the top. The secret to happiness is to smile along the way.


Correction is natural.

Mistakes are how I learn.

I expect a winding road.

I never give up.

I zig zag my way to success.


Mistakes will be made whether you like it or not. I recently read Larry Winget's new book, "It's Called Work for a Reason". Winget states acknowledging mistakes, making it right the best you can, and moving on is the best formula for leadership training and business success in direct sales.

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Entrepreneurs: The Secret to Weath Creation

The secret once again has developed a superb visualization and affirmation tool that delivers results. This is brilliantly done and I recommend it to everyone that wants results from using the secret to create wealth as an entrepreneur in a home business that cashflows properly.

These affirmations are powerful and they work. Injecting emotion into your visualizations helps manifest them a thousand times faster. I commend to you the secret to wealth for entrepreneurs and businesses everywhere

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Direct Sales Business Model Works

How many times have you Seen MLM type network marketing business models that are complicated, hierarchical and beneficial really only to those that get in at the beginning. One of the things I counsel people on when looking to start a business is to look at a couple key things:

1. Is it direct sales - in other words do you get paid first and directly? or do you have to wait for the company to send you a paycheck (sounds like working a job doesn't it?)

2. Does it cash flow properly?

All entrepreneurs look at the big picture of cash flow and direct sales to determine the viability of any business proposal.

Entrepreneurs having success in direct sales also depends on effective marketing. There are literally dozens of ways to effectively market your business. We teach many ways for entrepreneurs to make money, create wealth and be successful through effective marketing 101.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Here's the Best Leadership Training on the Planet

Entrepreneurs, business owners, executives ::: anyone looking for the secret to being profitable in a high cash flow business.... the secret is leadership. I've been with the home based business Liberty League international now for almost 3 years, and have never found better leadership training anywhere than what we offer right here.

Last Monday we did a leadership call on "Purpose vs. Productivity" as a frame of reference. How to get the results we really want through being clear on our purpose, not just engaging in the busy work of the stuff we have to do in order to get through our "to do" list for the day.

We get the results that we really want to by doing our required tasks with a sense of purpose and reason why.

I went to college then got two graduate degrees, including a business degree. I then went to work for a big five consulting firm, and NEVER got the leadership training I've received here with Liberty League.

If you want to have better results, make more money, have more time and be more abundant, check out our leadership training. You'll find integrity, empowerment and a sense of direction and purpose common to all entrepreneurs and business owners who are getting uncommon results.

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Getting Rich In America by Money Magazine

Money Magazine recently had a fascinating article on being an entrepreneur, owning a business, creating wealth and becoming a millionair. I found it very encouraging that Money Magazine was delivering the Exact Same Message I have for several years now..

"There's more to life, living, working and creating happiness, wealth and abundance than working a job for a corporation". More people everyday are realizing the power of the decision to do something extraordinary and reclaim their lives. Many times, this means shedding the corporate security blanket and becoming an entrepreneur.

This is it. This is our shot... individually and collectively. Do not delay, do not hesitate do not contemplate. Take action, do what your heart is crying out for. You don't have to have all the answers, just a vision, or even an inkling of a vision.

Noone ever said on their death bed "I'm so happy I played it safe...". Without a doubt, the most satisfying, uncomfortable, exhilirating times of my life have been when I have chosen to take a chance on myself.

Check out Money Magazine's article on creating wealth, and getting rich by becoming an entrepreneur.

Others are ditching employeeism for entrepreneur ism. You can too. Be Rich, Be Free, see you at the top.

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Monday, June 25, 2007

Entrepreneurs: It Takes a Big Dream to Create Wealth

All I can say is WOW. View this clip and put away your limiting beliefs. This wanted to pursue his dream and do what he really loved, which wasn't his job as a phone salesman.

Phenominally powerful, moving and inspirational. Dream big, take action and let no one steal your dream.

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Entrepreneurs: MSNBC Reveals Fatal Flaw in Working A Job

MSNBC had a piece on this am that spoke directly to employees with a job, employers and entrepreneurs as well. "WORK PRESSURES FORCE SHORTER TRIPS". They were reporting on families taking vacations, and the pressures of work, omni present PDA's and the pressure to perform - EVEN WHILE ON VACACTION.

Is this what it's come to? As an employee, no matter how well you're paid (even more so if you're well paid) you're essentially an indentured servant to your employer! Mothers and fathers are continually cutting into the most precious things in their lives - their kids- just to maintain a job they're not even happy with.

When's the last time you really time off - and really be present with your family and vacation experience? C'mon.... really present I mean.....

You know, there is a different way. A diffent way to make money, to set priorities, and to be present with the people in your life that are really important to you.

I became an home based entrepreneur 3 Years ago. It was a decision that had to be made. I could not see myself working at the pace I was for another 25 years, trading my time for money, just to make it safely to retirement --- at the expense of my family and my sanity.

Do not think for a minute that you can't create the life that you want for yourself and your family as an entrepreneur, working part time from your home, assisting people all over the world to get what they want out of life, creating wealth and living a rich life.

It can be done because it has been done. It requires new thinking, new planning and new actions on your part. You can live with what you've got or you can reach out and grab what you and your family really deserve, wealth, abundance, time freedom, work from home, assisting other people with the best products and services.

You can be a millionaire if you want, but you'll never do it working for someone else and taking shorter vacations tied to a PDA or email.

I wish you well.

In Excellent Service,
Matt Hempel

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Mindset, Achieving Goals and Action - My Philosphies in a Podcast

Welcome Back to Entrepreneurs, Chiropractors, Veterenarians,circus performers and home business Entrepreneurs. People often ask me... "What are your philosphies that have gotten you to be a successful, home based business entrepreneur, that is wealthy and successful?"

Well, here it is .... straight from the horses mouth :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Entrepreneurs Taking Action: Effective Marketing Strategy for Business Owners

There are no Marketing Gurus; there are people who take action, people who talk about taking action and those that do not even know what action is. Effective Marketing Strategy for small business should be part of every business plan, but often, it's not.

So, which type of person are you?

Well, you are either a person who takes action, or talks about taking action because the people that do not even know what action is, are likely entertaining themselves with T.V. right now.

Effective Marketing 101 and 201 is all about taking action; learning that you do not have to be some Internet Marketing Guru in order to be effective at marketing your business, product, or opportunity on the Internet. Greg Nicholls and I are proof of that.

Effective Marketing is taking action on information that you have learned, or acquired, from someone so you may now have enough confidence to take action on it.

Effective Marketing is simple and it is easy, but it does take action on what you have learned, otherwise you are in exactly the same place as you were before.

While we are here to pass on some incredible insights into the marketing world and how it can work in your favour, now it is up to you to take this incredible insight and make money from it.

If you don’t, your competition will.

Here is the thing, action does it and whatever it is you do does not even need to be that great, it just has to be out there.

A crappy ad in front of a million people will do better than an awesome ad in front of nobody.

Take action today, you know you can! Join us at

for a HUGE DEAL. WE're giving away -- that's right -- giving AWAY $3,500 worth of Effective Marketing Training for f r e e.... learn marketing strategy and proficiency with effective marketing today. Register asap before the good deal is no longer a good deal :)

In Your Service,

Matt Hempel, 800.813.9591

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Employee Vs. Entrepreneur Mindset - The difference

Matt Hempel back with you for a short discussion on Entrepreneur vs. Employee mindset - VIVA LA DIFFERENCE!!! Home business entreprenueurs creating wealth as opposed to employees maintaining loyalty to the bitter end for security.... and paltry wages. Which group are you in?

I'm putting this together because I recently had an old friend who was inquiring about my business. He was potentially looking to create an extraordinary income and be an entrepreneur. Great! That's what I do, show people how to generate $200K a year working from home part time.

My friend, we'll call him Waldo (not his real name) went through the system that we have here to learn about the business model, and the income potential. It's the same system I've used for the past 2 1/2 years to generate a multiple six figure income each year.

Ultimately, his employee mentality overwhelmed any dreams, desires or inclination to be wealthy and free. The language used here is so important to note. Here's the email I received from him:

"Thanks for the opportunity to listen to your information on (my opportunity). I had meant to send you an email to explain where I'm at right now. I told you when we first spoke that I had a important test on a new (product) for the (his company). I am now fully involved in the test and will be away from home until June 24. The previous 4 weeks I have put in 290 hrs at work to keep this project on schedule. I have made a strong commitment to both my company and (his client) to complete this project on time and within budget. So at this time I cannot commit to (business opp that would 4X his income and get him out of his job where he's putting in 75 hours/week). I'm not closing the door and hope you will not also but it would be unfair to tell you I'm interested at this time."
Thanks again for your time and I hope we can get together at (planned meeting this fall).

WOW!! What an incredibly revealing, and INSTRUCTIVE email. My friend has made committments and I certainly respect that, but IMAGINE.... what all that loyalty, energy, comittment, focus, time worked.... would do for him if it all was directed toward creating and fulfilling on his own dreams and desires.

This "loyalty mentality" is an epidemic in our country. People putting blind faith and allegiance in a company and the company's goals and aspirations at the expense of their own life. REALLY, when we do this we are being USED by our lives and our comittments, instead of creating our life.

This is critical: a perspective on living, working, making money and creating a future that is dominated by "loyalty mentality" and "job for security" will NEVER, EVER create wealth, independence, full self expression or control for someone.

What's more, is it will likely never deliver the happiness or satisfaction the person expects from it.

Think about loyalty to your employer versus loyalty to yourself and your aspirations. Where do you come out??

Oh, and by the way, if you choose to copy this and paste it into your own blog like you wrote it yourself, please be polite and include my contact info. I'm running a business here after all....

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wealth Practicum: Entrepreneurs creating Wealth USING LEVERAGE not Franchise

Technorati Profile

Get entrepreneur home business to create weath working from home. This is the best home business using leverage to create wealth and become rich. Franchises and traditional businesses cost too much and deliver too little after too long to break even.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Entrepreneurs: The Secret to Leverage in Home Based Business

Trends in the Market Place: Entrepreneurs Using Leverage to Create Wealth
Why I got Started, Why I’m Here Now, and My Future
I got started almost three years ago with the business opportunity I'm now with, Liberty League. I wanted to be an entrepreneur, I wanted to make a lot of money, and I didn't want to reinvent the wheel. (oh, and I didn't want to borrow $200K to start a franchise to work 80 hours a week for $55K a year -- NO THANKS!).

I could have gone any number of directions at that crossroads. I was a successful corporate executive making a $ix figure income. But frankly, I was miserable. Working way too hard for limited return on my efforts, AND... There was no Leverage in my situation -- actually I provided leverage (and a LOT of it) to my boss and the company I worked for. Caught in the rat race and running in the middle of the pack.

I really sought out the most LEVERAGE I could find in a business situation. In other words, the smallest amount of my own money for the biggest return, and/or using OPM (other people's money) to LEVERAGE myself.

What I found was remarkable. The home based business industry -- direct sales, network marketing provided the MOST LEVERAGE for the greatest number of people. So I took a closer look. This is what I found, and this is why I'm here three years later, amassing a fortune, helping a huge number of people and changing lives....

2. Why I’m Here Now 3 Years In – The TRENDS RIGHT NOW

Home Business-

a. 53% of all businesses are home businesses

b. Network Marketing – the new 21st Century face on an existing business model.

c. Trump/Kyosaki and many others - Network Marketing is where leverage is

d. Direct sales – 14.7 million people in Business in US alone

e. $64 Billion in sales in 2005 – direct sales

Come back later to find out more about:

Trends in the Market Place: Entrepreneurs Using Leverage to Create Wealth, home based business, franchise, direct sales, network marketing, and trends in the market place and what Trump and Kiyosaki have to say about them....

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Thinking Differently About Wealth and Success

I've had several interesting conversations lately with people that want to start a business, be an entrepreneur and create wealth. These are individuals who want better financial results, they want their own business, and they want freedom. I'm amazed at how ready people are to listen to the broke, tired, negative, worn out people around them when it comes to making a business decision to become independent.

As a matter of fact, it's downright scary for a 97%-er to see a fellow drone break out of their drone-ness to contemplate a different experience out of life. It's like the old story of the crabs in the crab pot with the lid open. If there's just one crab in there, she'll easily and readily climb her way out to freedom. If there are multiple crabs and one makes a run for it, the other crabs will reach up and hold onto that crab preventing her from escaping.
For many people, it's a far too painful experience for them when someone in their circle breaks away to claim something significant for themselves -- whether it's wealth, a new business, a new relationship, or perhaps a new believe or value set. It's painful because of the light and clarity it sheds on what's so -- what's reality for the person who wants to prevent the change. They're painfully reminded of their own dreams that died months, years, or even decades ago.....

We are all creatures of choice and creation though. Nothing is as it is to us that we don't allow. We create our own experience moment by moment. It is our great gift and our greatest curse!! We are responsible 100% of the time for our experience here on the planet.

Taking responsibility for our own results is the very first step in setting forth an entrepreneurial course. It is the only way we will truly experience what our choices bring to our reality. To become wealthy, to acheive success in financial terms, relationships, creative endeavors all begins with personal responsiblity.

Ultimately, we are all responsible for our own reality. Let the naysayers, and the negative people in your circle be responsible for their experience -- You be responsible for yours.... it is the law of attraction and the law of the universe at work in it's purest representation.

Apologies for waxing philospophic here.... just finished reading "Conversations with God: An Uncommon Diaglogue", by Neale Donald Walsch.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Work at Home, Create Wealth and Achieve Success

Here's a question for you.... What if you could make 3X the money your Doctor makes -- AND-- do it in half the hours you now work? Would that be of interest? I work with a group of like minded entrepreneurs with one common goal: Make an extraordinary income working 25 Hours a week and show others how to do the exact same thing.

I recorded this for one of my marketing websites. It's an example of how we teach entrepreneurs in our business to be effective marketers.

Entrepreneurs creating wealth working from home. It's that powerful and you can have the same result. It's about a decision. I look forward to working with you to achieve your Million dollar goal. Becoming a millionaire should be fun!

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Powerful Decisions Create Wealth

It's about the Decisions Entrepreneurs make that Creates wealth in Business and in Lifestyle. I'm preparing to speak at a Leadership Invitational Training Day for our Team in the company I'm associated with, Liberty League International. We'll be at the Peachtree Westin in Atlanta, and I'm SO EXCITED about our topic - Thinking Like an Entrepreneur: Powerful Decision Making.

My Colleague and mentor, Beau Reed, an exceptionally successful home business entrepreneur will be presenting this information with me. We'll be talking about:
1) Transitioning from an employee mentality to a business owner mentality
2) Recognizing the leverage in any and every situation
3) Looking at the cashflow in your business, vs costs
4) Positioning to win, not to avoid losing....

This will be a powerful presentation by a couple guys who combined make close to a $million a year. Join us for this and an incredible lineup of training, leadership and information presented by real home entrepreneurs in the direct sales industry. Entrepreneurs showing other entrepreneurs how to think and exactly what to do to create real wealth.

Come and be transformed. You can change your results by transforming your thinking from that of an employee to an entrepreneur.

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Entrpreneurs Taking Action and Becoming Wealthy: High Intention, Low Attachment

Being a home based business entrepreneur definitely has it's rewards. We know that more millionaires are created right here in this direct sales industry than any job or any other industry. I want to share with you a secret to success.... what makes it workable, and how to absolutely explode your business. The secret is called "High Intention, Low Attachment".

I recently finished the outstanding book by Jack Canfield, "The Success Principles". Perhaps one of the most powerful principles to success he writes about on Page 128.

"If you want to remain calm and peacful as you go through life, you have to have high intention an dlow attachment. You do everything you can to create your desired outcomes, and then you let it go. Sometimes your don't get the intended result by the date that you want. That is life. You just keep moving in the direction of your goal until you get there."

He goes on to say that the universe may have other ideas for the fulfillment of your goal -- ways of manifesting that you never would have thought of.

Simply put, focus on visualizing already having achieved your goal. Feel the emotion, the passion... look, touch, feel, smell, hear the goal already having manifested in reality.

Then simply take unattached action. Do the thing that your business requires, knowing that you've already acheived the goal. Your intention is high, your attachment to any single aspect or component of your business is low. If it means calling a potential customer, or business associate - do it, but be wholly unattached to the outcome of that conversation. If they don't buy, or they don't get started in your business, give them a silent blessing, let them go and move on to the next one.

Entrepreneurs becoming wealthy understand this concept. High Intention, low attachment works, because it keeps you focused on the end result. Now go forth, be prosperous and may you achieve all your hugest goals and live your wildest dreams!!!

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Monday, April 9, 2007

Leadership: Setting the Example for Wealth, Abundance and Rich Experience

Someone asked me over the Easter Weekend, "What exactly do you do"? I almost gave my standard response "I own a direct sales business in the Network Marketing Industry, and our products are focused on Personal Development".... Blah!! How Boring!!

It finally struck me!! What I REALLY do, is to teach people about wealth Creation, that there is an alternative to the mediocrity and limitation of being an employee, AND then demonstrating wealth abundance, lifestyle and rich experience in my own life on a daily basis. I provide LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE. I show people that they can have this too and that it's simply a choice. Then, the people I speak with REALLY DO have a choice -- they know there is an alternative out there.

There is so much power in the choice to be wealthy and entreprenurial. There is so much DIS-empowerment to being a pawn (if you're an employee, even a well paid employee, you're still a pawn) in someone else's game. They are calling the shots, and you'll always be limited on income and lifestyle as a result.

Choose to be the leader. Choose to be wealthy. Choose to be entrepreneurial. I promise you the most liberating thing you will ever do is to give yourself a raise by quitting your job and being the master of your own destiny.

Choose wisely, because wealth and leadership go together. They always have....

In your service,
Matt Hempel

P.S. - check out my updated website above for more resources on wealth creation -- You'll be glad you did!!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Home Business Entrepreneurs: How to Use Podcasts to Grow your Business

The Effective Marketing 101 Training Series

The essence of Effective Marketing 101 is leveraging a single marketing idea and turning it into an integrated marketing piece. In this training series segment, you will learn how you can leverage work you’ve already completed in your Blogs and Ezine Articles to produce Podcasts.

A strategy is beginning to unfold in front of you; you are becoming further aware of the simple yet effective methods of marketing and how they can all tie in together.

Adding Podcasting into the Effective Marketing fold is quite simple, as are the rest of additional components that we will introduce over the next few weeks.

What is a Podcast?

In simple terms, a Podcast is just an RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication) with a combination of some writing, a recording, or some video attached to it. Not much different than a Blog or and Ezine Article.


To create a Podcast; simply use the information that you have in your Blog and/or Ezine Article.

Think about it for just a moment...

All you have to do is record your voice, as you review what you wrote in your Blog, or Ezine Article, then use that recording, along with your text to form your Podcast.


The extremely simple method that I use for Podcasting and highly recommend for much more that Podcasting, is Audio Acrobat, check out the "free trial," this site contains everything that you need to record and submit your Podcast (including live training on how to use it) to all the Podcast directories and Audio Acrobat properly formats your Podcast for the very popular iPod+iTunes Store site, then to the left, click on "Podcasts". Here is how our Podcast appears on iTunes, click here you may need to download iTunes, but you are going to want to do that to publish there anyway.

We cover these aspects and much more in our Effective Marketing 101 Training Series, so subscribe for free today at . When you do, you will learn how your Blogs and Ezine Articles can become Podcasts, how they can tie into everything else you do for marketing and much, much more.

In Your Service,

Matt Hempel
Effective Marketing 101

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Entrepreneurs Taking Action and Becoming Wealthy: More Millionaires Made Than any Other Industry.

Life is a series of choices: the choice to accept whatever comes, the choice to settle for less, the choice to let your destiny in someone else’s hands…and also the choice of taking action.

True Financial Security is belief in yourself and your ability to create income at anytime, anywhere. Entrepreneurs understand true Financial Security. We know that regardless of the economy, we have the skills and guts to create our own life. Entrepreneurs refuse to be dependent on the decisions of Corporate America.

Right here on this blog, and at my website,, I am offering you information about a business that you can operate from the comfort of your own home, or anywhere in the world, that is truly changing lives.

Begin your journey towards getting all that you want out of life:

  • Open your mind and be willing to reach towards new goals and dreams.
  • Don't let fear be a part of the equation. Fear is debilitating, and can hinder you in everything you do in life. –F.E.A.R. is simple False Evidence Appearing Real. Quiet it with renewed spirit and confidence by moving forward with your financial and emotional goals.
  • Openly accept change and welcome self-discovery.
  • Be aware of your surroundings; appreciate the opportunities that life presents you in everyway.

Did you know that less than 20 percent of all the workers in America are self-employed, yet that small group makes up 95% of all American millionaires?

ENTREPRENEURS - people who have what it takes to start and succeed at their own businesses.

1. They have a dream. It can be anything from wanting to find a way to spend more time with their families, make more money, travel more, work less, you name it.

2. They visualize success. Entrepreneurs don't just think about it. They see it. They spend a great deal of time “seeing success”. This “positive thinking” technique has been around for a long time and it works. It helps create faith in yourself, and that is a prerequisite for anyone even thinking about starting a business. They never stop using this visualization process: It keeps goals shining brightly, and for the entrepreneur, there are always new goals to reach for.

3. They are focused.
Once the course is charted, the work begins. There will be phone calls, e-mails, and paperwork. They keep their organizational plans in mind, and keep striving to achieve each step, one at a time.

4. They think Big.
They never limit themselves. Thinking small when you can be thinking big is definitely limiting your potential. People are capable of doing great things, but not if they don’t envision great things to be done. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to think and act - that's the way to get things done. But if you think small, you can only act small. That is no way to achieve ultimate success.

Bottom line: Owning a business is, without question, your best option to achieve financial success. Think about it; people get rich starting their own business, not working as employees. The former provides you leverage, the latter you are the leverage for your boss. So be confident, become an entrepreneur and enjoy the feeling of being wealth and have your life in your own hands. Millionaire status is closer than you think.

In your Service,

Matt Hempel, 800.813.9591

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Marketing Your Business - EM101: Ezines and How to Use Them!

The Effective Marketing 101 Training Series

If you want to know how to become an Expert Ezine Article Author, there are some very basic things that you want to do, to ensure you get great exposure and we are going to cover most of them in a very general but complete way.

Much like a Blog, you want to cover topics that you know and consider yourself an expert on, only with Ezine Articles, they can be much longer, make your article between 500-1000 words.

The title of your Ezine will make up the URL, so pick your Title knowing that the Keywords and/or Keyphrases are often sought after for your given subject. That being said, you do not want the top Keywords/phrases, rather the ones picked second or third down the list in popularity in the effort to deal with less competition.

When you are creating your Ezine Article, you will be given an opportunity to separately enter in Keywords/phrases, so you can create your article and use Keywords and/or Keyphrases that are related to, but not included in your article.

It is important to know that an Ezine Article is not to be a blatant plug for your business, product, or service; you are to demonstrate your expertise on the topic at hand. There is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself in the "third person" in the "Author's Bio Section" and if someone received value from the information that you provided, they may visit your website to obtain additional insight and information from you.

Pick your Category carefully; be sure to place your article in the category your subject is written on, or your article will either be rejected or just not viewed very often.

Be specific, but general at the same time. Articles may get republished in a competitors newsletter, receiving full authors credit because it was good information for their people and yes, some of their people came to work with me because I am the expert.

So you see, there is quite a bit of a difference between a Blog and an Ezine Article, but both will prove to be great tools to promote your business.

If you want to see some examples of Ezine Articles, feel free to visit and read some of my buddy's articles at

For more information on how to become an expert Ezine Article Author, go to the top of this blog and subscribe to my weekly issue of Effective Marketing 101.

Matt Hempel
Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises -

PS. - Get all the tips, tricks and insights on how to become an "Effective Marketer" by subscribing to the the weekly issue of "Effective Marketing 101" by filling in the form at the top of this Blog.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Welcome to Effective Marketing 101

How To Implement Free And Effective Marketing And Advertising Methods Into Your Business.

The topic will be explained over about a 3-4 week period (so you are not bogged down with too much info all at once) and it all starts now.

You will learn all about MySpace, Blogs, YouTube, Ezine Articles, Podcasts, RSS Feeds, Newsletters, eBooks, eStream Downloads, Banner Advertising, Free Classifieds, Business Card Flyers, Resource Pages and have access to all the associated links and websites.

Plus, you will get a full explanation about what all these things are, how simple they are to do, how effective they are, how they all tie in together, where to find all the resources, but best of all, demonstrate that they are all free and effective.

When we are done, you will be an expert in this area too and your business will rocket forward with momentum and activity.

We will talk about how to take this type of information and make it so someone would become a subscriber to get the expert level information that you now have, after all, it is all about getting prospects for our businesses, right?

But what if they paid you to become a prospect?

You will learn about how to do that too!

The "How To Implement Free And Effective Marketing And Advertising Methods Into Your Business" series will be an awesome series to be on. So if you are serious about being successful in your business and want to learn how to do it low cost and effectively, then be sure to subscribe to this feed.

Best Regards,

Matt Hempel
AdMMedia, Inc.