Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Getting Rich In America by Money Magazine

Money Magazine recently had a fascinating article on being an entrepreneur, owning a business, creating wealth and becoming a millionair. I found it very encouraging that Money Magazine was delivering the Exact Same Message I have for several years now..

"There's more to life, living, working and creating happiness, wealth and abundance than working a job for a corporation". More people everyday are realizing the power of the decision to do something extraordinary and reclaim their lives. Many times, this means shedding the corporate security blanket and becoming an entrepreneur.

This is it. This is our shot... individually and collectively. Do not delay, do not hesitate do not contemplate. Take action, do what your heart is crying out for. You don't have to have all the answers, just a vision, or even an inkling of a vision.

Noone ever said on their death bed "I'm so happy I played it safe...". Without a doubt, the most satisfying, uncomfortable, exhilirating times of my life have been when I have chosen to take a chance on myself.

Check out Money Magazine's article on creating wealth, and getting rich by becoming an entrepreneur. www.money.com

Others are ditching employeeism for entrepreneur ism. You can too. Be Rich, Be Free, see you at the top.

In your service,
Matt Hempel

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