Monday, April 9, 2007

Leadership: Setting the Example for Wealth, Abundance and Rich Experience

Someone asked me over the Easter Weekend, "What exactly do you do"? I almost gave my standard response "I own a direct sales business in the Network Marketing Industry, and our products are focused on Personal Development".... Blah!! How Boring!!

It finally struck me!! What I REALLY do, is to teach people about wealth Creation, that there is an alternative to the mediocrity and limitation of being an employee, AND then demonstrating wealth abundance, lifestyle and rich experience in my own life on a daily basis. I provide LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE. I show people that they can have this too and that it's simply a choice. Then, the people I speak with REALLY DO have a choice -- they know there is an alternative out there.

There is so much power in the choice to be wealthy and entreprenurial. There is so much DIS-empowerment to being a pawn (if you're an employee, even a well paid employee, you're still a pawn) in someone else's game. They are calling the shots, and you'll always be limited on income and lifestyle as a result.

Choose to be the leader. Choose to be wealthy. Choose to be entrepreneurial. I promise you the most liberating thing you will ever do is to give yourself a raise by quitting your job and being the master of your own destiny.

Choose wisely, because wealth and leadership go together. They always have....

In your service,
Matt Hempel

P.S. - check out my updated website above for more resources on wealth creation -- You'll be glad you did!!

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