Friday, April 6, 2007

Home Business Entrepreneurs: How to Use Podcasts to Grow your Business

The Effective Marketing 101 Training Series

The essence of Effective Marketing 101 is leveraging a single marketing idea and turning it into an integrated marketing piece. In this training series segment, you will learn how you can leverage work you’ve already completed in your Blogs and Ezine Articles to produce Podcasts.

A strategy is beginning to unfold in front of you; you are becoming further aware of the simple yet effective methods of marketing and how they can all tie in together.

Adding Podcasting into the Effective Marketing fold is quite simple, as are the rest of additional components that we will introduce over the next few weeks.

What is a Podcast?

In simple terms, a Podcast is just an RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication) with a combination of some writing, a recording, or some video attached to it. Not much different than a Blog or and Ezine Article.


To create a Podcast; simply use the information that you have in your Blog and/or Ezine Article.

Think about it for just a moment...

All you have to do is record your voice, as you review what you wrote in your Blog, or Ezine Article, then use that recording, along with your text to form your Podcast.


The extremely simple method that I use for Podcasting and highly recommend for much more that Podcasting, is Audio Acrobat, check out the "free trial," this site contains everything that you need to record and submit your Podcast (including live training on how to use it) to all the Podcast directories and Audio Acrobat properly formats your Podcast for the very popular iPod+iTunes Store site, then to the left, click on "Podcasts". Here is how our Podcast appears on iTunes, click here you may need to download iTunes, but you are going to want to do that to publish there anyway.

We cover these aspects and much more in our Effective Marketing 101 Training Series, so subscribe for free today at . When you do, you will learn how your Blogs and Ezine Articles can become Podcasts, how they can tie into everything else you do for marketing and much, much more.

In Your Service,

Matt Hempel
Effective Marketing 101

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic job! Pictures are Awesome, content is A1. I never thought about having someone take pictures for me. Now I GET IT, so I will start finishing my blog by Tuesday.
