Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Direct Sales Business Model Works

How many times have you Seen MLM type network marketing business models that are complicated, hierarchical and beneficial really only to those that get in at the beginning. One of the things I counsel people on when looking to start a business is to look at a couple key things:

1. Is it direct sales - in other words do you get paid first and directly? or do you have to wait for the company to send you a paycheck (sounds like working a job doesn't it?)

2. Does it cash flow properly?

All entrepreneurs look at the big picture of cash flow and direct sales to determine the viability of any business proposal.

Entrepreneurs having success in direct sales also depends on effective marketing. There are literally dozens of ways to effectively market your business. We teach many ways for entrepreneurs to make money, create wealth and be successful through effective marketing 101.

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