Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Employee Vs. Entrepreneur Mindset - The difference

Matt Hempel back with you for a short discussion on Entrepreneur vs. Employee mindset - VIVA LA DIFFERENCE!!! Home business entreprenueurs creating wealth as opposed to employees maintaining loyalty to the bitter end for security.... and paltry wages. Which group are you in?

I'm putting this together because I recently had an old friend who was inquiring about my business. He was potentially looking to create an extraordinary income and be an entrepreneur. Great! That's what I do, show people how to generate $200K a year working from home part time.

My friend, we'll call him Waldo (not his real name) went through the system that we have here to learn about the business model, and the income potential. It's the same system I've used for the past 2 1/2 years to generate a multiple six figure income each year.

Ultimately, his employee mentality overwhelmed any dreams, desires or inclination to be wealthy and free. The language used here is so important to note. Here's the email I received from him:

"Thanks for the opportunity to listen to your information on (my opportunity). I had meant to send you an email to explain where I'm at right now. I told you when we first spoke that I had a important test on a new (product) for the (his company). I am now fully involved in the test and will be away from home until June 24. The previous 4 weeks I have put in 290 hrs at work to keep this project on schedule. I have made a strong commitment to both my company and (his client) to complete this project on time and within budget. So at this time I cannot commit to (business opp that would 4X his income and get him out of his job where he's putting in 75 hours/week). I'm not closing the door and hope you will not also but it would be unfair to tell you I'm interested at this time."
Thanks again for your time and I hope we can get together at (planned meeting this fall).

WOW!! What an incredibly revealing, and INSTRUCTIVE email. My friend has made committments and I certainly respect that, but IMAGINE.... what all that loyalty, energy, comittment, focus, time worked.... would do for him if it all was directed toward creating and fulfilling on his own dreams and desires.

This "loyalty mentality" is an epidemic in our country. People putting blind faith and allegiance in a company and the company's goals and aspirations at the expense of their own life. REALLY, when we do this we are being USED by our lives and our comittments, instead of creating our life.

This is critical: a perspective on living, working, making money and creating a future that is dominated by "loyalty mentality" and "job for security" will NEVER, EVER create wealth, independence, full self expression or control for someone.

What's more, is it will likely never deliver the happiness or satisfaction the person expects from it.

Think about loyalty to your employer versus loyalty to yourself and your aspirations. Where do you come out??

Oh, and by the way, if you choose to copy this and paste it into your own blog like you wrote it yourself, please be polite and include my contact info. I'm running a business here after all....

In your service,
Matt Hempel

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