Saturday, March 31, 2007

Marketing Your Business - EM101: Ezines and How to Use Them!

The Effective Marketing 101 Training Series

If you want to know how to become an Expert Ezine Article Author, there are some very basic things that you want to do, to ensure you get great exposure and we are going to cover most of them in a very general but complete way.

Much like a Blog, you want to cover topics that you know and consider yourself an expert on, only with Ezine Articles, they can be much longer, make your article between 500-1000 words.

The title of your Ezine will make up the URL, so pick your Title knowing that the Keywords and/or Keyphrases are often sought after for your given subject. That being said, you do not want the top Keywords/phrases, rather the ones picked second or third down the list in popularity in the effort to deal with less competition.

When you are creating your Ezine Article, you will be given an opportunity to separately enter in Keywords/phrases, so you can create your article and use Keywords and/or Keyphrases that are related to, but not included in your article.

It is important to know that an Ezine Article is not to be a blatant plug for your business, product, or service; you are to demonstrate your expertise on the topic at hand. There is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself in the "third person" in the "Author's Bio Section" and if someone received value from the information that you provided, they may visit your website to obtain additional insight and information from you.

Pick your Category carefully; be sure to place your article in the category your subject is written on, or your article will either be rejected or just not viewed very often.

Be specific, but general at the same time. Articles may get republished in a competitors newsletter, receiving full authors credit because it was good information for their people and yes, some of their people came to work with me because I am the expert.

So you see, there is quite a bit of a difference between a Blog and an Ezine Article, but both will prove to be great tools to promote your business.

If you want to see some examples of Ezine Articles, feel free to visit and read some of my buddy's articles at

For more information on how to become an expert Ezine Article Author, go to the top of this blog and subscribe to my weekly issue of Effective Marketing 101.

Matt Hempel
Copyright 2007 - Nicholls Enterprises -

PS. - Get all the tips, tricks and insights on how to become an "Effective Marketer" by subscribing to the the weekly issue of "Effective Marketing 101" by filling in the form at the top of this Blog.

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