Monday, November 12, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Thank You Veterans and Freedom Lovers Everywhere

Today is a day that is often overlooked in the rush of everyday life online: Veterans Day. Before I was a successful home business owner marketing online using the internet to generate sales, I was a pilot in the navy. I'm very proud of my service, and I'm very proud of all our servicemen and women, and those worldwide who dedicate their lives to freedom.

We have a open society, freedom of speech, freedom of commerce and international capitalism as a result of the sacrifices of many now and before we got here.

Thanks veterans. We owe you a debt of gratitude and sincere appreciation for all you do. I'm able to work from home as direct sales professional marketer because of your commitment. I encourage everyone to say thanks to a vet today. It will mean the world to them.

Yours in Service,
Matt Hempel

Friday, November 9, 2007

43 and JOB FREE at 43: How Sweet it Is to Be an EntreprenEUR

Well, here it is November 9 of 2007, and I've been a home based entrepreneur for over three years now with my own direct sales, network marketing business (Liberty League). This posting is a summary review of my experience and lessons learned in the home business industry.

What I've learned.

1. People are People - whether they're employees working for a company or in their own network marketing business.... they're still brilliant, stupid, lazy, resourceful, loving, spiteful, vindictive, lying, giving.... you get the Picture... They're HUMAN for crying out loud, and there's not much we can really do about it.

2. The 80/20 Rule Prevails..... whether you're talking about people, your marketing efforts, technology, what works and what doesn't.... The trick is to constantly focus on finding the "20%" that provides you the most leverage.

3. Leverage is king. This is the official "Hempel Corollary" to the *80/20 Rule and it must be respected. Anger the leverage gods at your own peril.... find out more by going to my article on leverage at
No one to my knowledge, unless they won the lottery or got a fat inheritance became wealthy without leverage.

4. More often than not, when something isn't going quite right, it's me getting in my own way. Mindset is so important and mindset is driven by the conversation we're having with ourselves on a constant basis. Do you build yourself up? or put yourself down? Be mindful of your inner conversation and watch your mindset transform.

5. Everyone is playing a game. What's your game? and how do you win? what are the rules like? Are you playing a big, juicy wide-open game? or are you playing a "late in the 4th quarter, up by 13 points" game of safety, no mistakes.... playing not to lose. All of us are playing a game here while we're on this planet and WE get to choose what the game is and how we'll play it. When I play safety game, i'm Flat, uninspired, ineffective to a large degree and low impact on other people and the world around me. I also don't make as much money.. which is an interesting parallel... isn't it?

Each one of these points is really a topic unto itself. I'll get more out there, but for now, this entrepreneur is playing a big game of life that will yield success, good fortune, huge positive impact on others and a new legacy worth bragging about.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Are Baby Boomers Ready to Retire?

This blog entry is inspired by my friend Debbie Ruston, . Really fascinating stuff around the baby boomer generation and retirement. Will anyone REALLY Retire? or are most retirees looking for the perfect retirement business? What we've found is that most retirement age people are more entrepreneurial than we previously thought... read on.

I recently read an interesting article on retirement, with some equally interesting statistics from the survey they conducted....Nearly 1/5, or 18% of men aged 45-60 who either retired early to start their own business or plan to do so said they expect to work for themselves "until they die". Among the boomer businesswomen, 12% said they will run their own businesses indefinitely.

The survey also found that this baby boomer group plans to work longer than ever. One in five said they expect to run their business for more than a decade while 38% targeted a working span between 6-10 years.

What the survey found is that many baby boomers are looking at this next stage in life as an opportunity to start new careers and new businesses. When these folks were questioned on why they want to keep working, 46% of men and 34% of women said it was mainly to stay occupied, .....27% of men and 31% of women said it was something they had always dreamed of......and 26% of men and 25% of women said they needed the money.

Don't you just love statistics? It seems like everyone feeds on statistics. I prefer a different message and that is ..everything in life is a CHOICE!! In their innermost hearts, most people want to own a business, they want independence, they want CHOICE in their life.

What brings more options and more choice into our lives? Money, time freedom and the ability to open our perspective to whats really possible. Three things, so simple but so elusive for most people because they don't really think they can do it.... they have no CHOICE.

Most will let fear hold them back from doing what they truly want. Take control of your life! If you have the entrepreneurial spirit, it is critical you honor that spirit and give life to it. Start a business today, even if it's selling lemonade at the roadside. It is truly liberating to have choice in your life..... Choose Choice.

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Play the Game on Your Terms

Every once in a while, you develop a truly meaningful personal and business relationship with an extraordinary person. It's like a gem, a secret weapon... a true source of entrepreneurial inspiration and action.

My associate and friend's name is Lawerence West, co-owner of Infinity Technology LLC, a premiere provider of consulting, engineering and contract support services to the federal government.

I've known Lawrence now for over 9 years, and never cease to gain valuable insight and ideas from him from a business and entrepreneurial perspective. He and I worked together at KPMG Consulting, then BearingPoint for several years.

He left a secure position to start his own business and has been successful in several ventures since 2001. We've remained close primarily because of our love of new business ideas, entrepreneurial ventures, being successful, and contributing to others. I'm constantly inspired by a guy who doesn't make excuses.... just thinks big, and gets results.

Find someone that inspires you, keeps you fresh and on purpose. Finding your own Lawrence will make all the difference as you move forward in your business and professional life.

I'll see if I can talk Lawrence into an interview.... and yes, I promise you'll be inspired.... to your entrepreneurial success.....

Matt Hempel