Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Entrepreneurs Taking Action: Effective Marketing Strategy for Business Owners

There are no Marketing Gurus; there are people who take action, people who talk about taking action and those that do not even know what action is. Effective Marketing Strategy for small business should be part of every business plan, but often, it's not.

So, which type of person are you?

Well, you are either a person who takes action, or talks about taking action because the people that do not even know what action is, are likely entertaining themselves with T.V. right now.

Effective Marketing 101 and 201 is all about taking action; learning that you do not have to be some Internet Marketing Guru in order to be effective at marketing your business, product, or opportunity on the Internet. Greg Nicholls and I are proof of that.

Effective Marketing is taking action on information that you have learned, or acquired, from someone so you may now have enough confidence to take action on it.

Effective Marketing is simple and it is easy, but it does take action on what you have learned, otherwise you are in exactly the same place as you were before.

While we are here to pass on some incredible insights into the marketing world and how it can work in your favour, now it is up to you to take this incredible insight and make money from it.

If you don’t, your competition will.

Here is the thing, action does it and whatever it is you do does not even need to be that great, it just has to be out there.

A crappy ad in front of a million people will do better than an awesome ad in front of nobody.

Take action today, you know you can! Join us at


for a HUGE DEAL. WE're giving away -- that's right -- giving AWAY $3,500 worth of Effective Marketing Training for f r e e.... learn marketing strategy and proficiency with effective marketing today. Register asap before the good deal is no longer a good deal :)

In Your Service,

Matt Hempel, 800.813.9591

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Employee Vs. Entrepreneur Mindset - The difference

Matt Hempel back with you for a short discussion on Entrepreneur vs. Employee mindset - VIVA LA DIFFERENCE!!! Home business entreprenueurs creating wealth as opposed to employees maintaining loyalty to the bitter end for security.... and paltry wages. Which group are you in?

I'm putting this together because I recently had an old friend who was inquiring about my business. He was potentially looking to create an extraordinary income and be an entrepreneur. Great! That's what I do, show people how to generate $200K a year working from home part time.

My friend, we'll call him Waldo (not his real name) went through the system that we have here to learn about the business model, and the income potential. It's the same system I've used for the past 2 1/2 years to generate a multiple six figure income each year.

Ultimately, his employee mentality overwhelmed any dreams, desires or inclination to be wealthy and free. The language used here is so important to note. Here's the email I received from him:

"Thanks for the opportunity to listen to your information on (my opportunity). I had meant to send you an email to explain where I'm at right now. I told you when we first spoke that I had a important test on a new (product) for the (his company). I am now fully involved in the test and will be away from home until June 24. The previous 4 weeks I have put in 290 hrs at work to keep this project on schedule. I have made a strong commitment to both my company and (his client) to complete this project on time and within budget. So at this time I cannot commit to (business opp that would 4X his income and get him out of his job where he's putting in 75 hours/week). I'm not closing the door and hope you will not also but it would be unfair to tell you I'm interested at this time."
Thanks again for your time and I hope we can get together at (planned meeting this fall).

WOW!! What an incredibly revealing, and INSTRUCTIVE email. My friend has made committments and I certainly respect that, but IMAGINE.... what all that loyalty, energy, comittment, focus, time worked.... would do for him if it all was directed toward creating and fulfilling on his own dreams and desires.

This "loyalty mentality" is an epidemic in our country. People putting blind faith and allegiance in a company and the company's goals and aspirations at the expense of their own life. REALLY, when we do this we are being USED by our lives and our comittments, instead of creating our life.

This is critical: a perspective on living, working, making money and creating a future that is dominated by "loyalty mentality" and "job for security" will NEVER, EVER create wealth, independence, full self expression or control for someone.

What's more, is it will likely never deliver the happiness or satisfaction the person expects from it.

Think about loyalty to your employer versus loyalty to yourself and your aspirations. Where do you come out??

Oh, and by the way, if you choose to copy this and paste it into your own blog like you wrote it yourself, please be polite and include my contact info. I'm running a business here after all....

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wealth Practicum: Entrepreneurs creating Wealth USING LEVERAGE not Franchise

Technorati Profile

Get entrepreneur home business to create weath working from home. This is the best home business using leverage to create wealth and become rich. Franchises and traditional businesses cost too much and deliver too little after too long to break even.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Entrepreneurs: The Secret to Leverage in Home Based Business

Trends in the Market Place: Entrepreneurs Using Leverage to Create Wealth
Why I got Started, Why I’m Here Now, and My Future
I got started almost three years ago with the business opportunity I'm now with, Liberty League. I wanted to be an entrepreneur, I wanted to make a lot of money, and I didn't want to reinvent the wheel. (oh, and I didn't want to borrow $200K to start a franchise to work 80 hours a week for $55K a year -- NO THANKS!).

I could have gone any number of directions at that crossroads. I was a successful corporate executive making a $ix figure income. But frankly, I was miserable. Working way too hard for limited return on my efforts, AND... There was no Leverage in my situation -- actually I provided leverage (and a LOT of it) to my boss and the company I worked for. Caught in the rat race and running in the middle of the pack.

I really sought out the most LEVERAGE I could find in a business situation. In other words, the smallest amount of my own money for the biggest return, and/or using OPM (other people's money) to LEVERAGE myself.

What I found was remarkable. The home based business industry -- direct sales, network marketing provided the MOST LEVERAGE for the greatest number of people. So I took a closer look. This is what I found, and this is why I'm here three years later, amassing a fortune, helping a huge number of people and changing lives....

2. Why I’m Here Now 3 Years In – The TRENDS RIGHT NOW

Home Business-

a. 53% of all businesses are home businesses

b. Network Marketing – the new 21st Century face on an existing business model.

c. Trump/Kyosaki and many others - Network Marketing is where leverage is

d. Direct sales – 14.7 million people in Business in US alone

e. $64 Billion in sales in 2005 – direct sales

Come back later to find out more about:

Trends in the Market Place: Entrepreneurs Using Leverage to Create Wealth, home based business, franchise, direct sales, network marketing, and trends in the market place and what Trump and Kiyosaki have to say about them....

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Thinking Differently About Wealth and Success

I've had several interesting conversations lately with people that want to start a business, be an entrepreneur and create wealth. These are individuals who want better financial results, they want their own business, and they want freedom. I'm amazed at how ready people are to listen to the broke, tired, negative, worn out people around them when it comes to making a business decision to become independent.

As a matter of fact, it's downright scary for a 97%-er to see a fellow drone break out of their drone-ness to contemplate a different experience out of life. It's like the old story of the crabs in the crab pot with the lid open. If there's just one crab in there, she'll easily and readily climb her way out to freedom. If there are multiple crabs and one makes a run for it, the other crabs will reach up and hold onto that crab preventing her from escaping.
For many people, it's a far too painful experience for them when someone in their circle breaks away to claim something significant for themselves -- whether it's wealth, a new business, a new relationship, or perhaps a new believe or value set. It's painful because of the light and clarity it sheds on what's so -- what's reality for the person who wants to prevent the change. They're painfully reminded of their own dreams that died months, years, or even decades ago.....

We are all creatures of choice and creation though. Nothing is as it is to us that we don't allow. We create our own experience moment by moment. It is our great gift and our greatest curse!! We are responsible 100% of the time for our experience here on the planet.

Taking responsibility for our own results is the very first step in setting forth an entrepreneurial course. It is the only way we will truly experience what our choices bring to our reality. To become wealthy, to acheive success in financial terms, relationships, creative endeavors all begins with personal responsiblity.

Ultimately, we are all responsible for our own reality. Let the naysayers, and the negative people in your circle be responsible for their experience -- You be responsible for yours.... it is the law of attraction and the law of the universe at work in it's purest representation.

Apologies for waxing philospophic here.... just finished reading "Conversations with God: An Uncommon Diaglogue", by Neale Donald Walsch.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Work at Home, Create Wealth and Achieve Success

Here's a question for you.... What if you could make 3X the money your Doctor makes -- AND-- do it in half the hours you now work? Would that be of interest? I work with a group of like minded entrepreneurs with one common goal: Make an extraordinary income working 25 Hours a week and show others how to do the exact same thing.

I recorded this for one of my marketing websites. It's an example of how we teach entrepreneurs in our business to be effective marketers.

Entrepreneurs creating wealth working from home. It's that powerful and you can have the same result. It's about a decision. I look forward to working with you to achieve your Million dollar goal. Becoming a millionaire should be fun!

In your service,
Matt Hempel