Thursday, October 25, 2007

Entrepreneurs: A Little Media for You: Kate Bernhardt

I Love the creativity Here. Bunch of college kids put this together and it's TIGHT. here you go. my sister in law and she's friggin brilliant. cheers.

In Outstanding Service,
Matt Hempel

Monday, October 22, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Use MySpace Web 2.0 To Build Business

As the owner of a direct response sales company, i'm always looking for fresh new ways to market online. One of the best ways to market using attraction marketing techniques is with

As with anything, it's important to employ certain techniques in setting up your profile. One of the most important is to have a professional profile layout. I've found a company that offers free professional layouts. It's as simple as copy and paste and you're done.

Iron Spider

Take a look at what they offer, you won't be disspointed. Here's to success in direct sales marketing for home business entrepreneurs using web 2.0 technology!!

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Friday, October 19, 2007

Entrepreneurs Taking Action: Our Marketing Instruction Works!

Just had to get this picture out there. The joy of being one... full self expression is what I call it....

It's incredibly gratifying to see a fellow online home business entrepreneur have fantastic results by implementing things that you've taught him. In my Liberty League Business, a guy from the UK on my team has developed a tremendous blog that speaks to all things we teach in the Effective Marketing 101 training course we offer.

Results speak, walk the talk. Thanks Paul for being a tremendous example of what's possible, what happens WHEN YOU TAKE ACTION. Entrepreneurs taking action.... it's a beautiful thing. Check out Paul's Excellent blog at

In Service,
Matt Hempel

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Class Reunion and an Entrepreneur's 3 Reasons Why

Well Everyone, here it is..... I officially attended my 25 year High School Class Reunion on October 6. I almost didn't go, but am so happy I did. It was an incredibly gratifying experience to reconnect with everyone and fill in the blanks of 25 years of living.

Of course, everyone wants to know what you're doing for a living and where you live. I got to thinking about what I do and why I do it. Why take the risk to be a home business entrepreneur? Why not work a job? I mean seriously, I walked away from a six figure consulting position with a well known international company to start a business working from home three years ago......

I've distilled it into three key points.... but first, PICTURES FROM THE REUNION

Ok, now the three reasons why I do what I do and will never work for corporate again.
And this is what I told my classmates who asked....

1. Money and Time: I had no leverage in corporate. If I am to serve as many people as possible and make the multiple six to seven figure annual income i deserve, I could not continue trading my time (Life) for money. I had to find leverage.

2. Flexibility and Family My daughter will never be warehoused in daycare. I waited long enough to have her in my life, I'm damn well going to spend as much time with her as possible:: daycare doesn't fit in that equation.

3. Flexibility and Family (part 2): My wife has a career she LOVES. Unfortunately, she's required to move every couple years as a Marine Corps Officer. As a corporate drone, crawling to work and back in the horrific traffic, I could never support her to the extent I do. I think Hawaii or Belgium will be the next assignment... nice... and I can make great money with my internet direct sales business from anywhere in the world. Now that's flexibility.

Happy Reunion.

In Service,
Matt Hempel