Life is a series of choices: the choice to accept whatever comes, the choice to settle for less, the choice to let your destiny in someone else’s hands…and also the choice of taking action.
True Financial Security is belief in yourself and your ability to create income at anytime, anywhere. Entrepreneurs understand true Financial Security. We know that regardless of the economy, we have the skills and guts to create our own life. Entrepreneurs refuse to be dependent on the decisions of Corporate America.
Right here on this blog, and at my website, http://www.yournewlegacy.com, I am offering you information about a business that you can operate from the comfort of your own home, or anywhere in the world, that is truly changing lives.
Begin your journey towards getting all that you want out of life:
- Open your mind and be willing to reach towards new goals and dreams.
- Don't let fear be a part of the equation. Fear is debilitating, and can hinder you in everything you do in life. –F.E.A.R. is simple False Evidence Appearing Real. Quiet it with renewed spirit and confidence by moving forward with your financial and emotional goals.
- Openly accept change and welcome self-discovery.
- Be aware of your surroundings; appreciate the opportunities that life presents you in everyway.
Did you know that less than 20 percent of all the workers in America are self-employed, yet that small group makes up 95% of all American millionaires?
ENTREPRENEURS - people who have what it takes to start and succeed at their own businesses.
1. They have a dream. It can be anything from wanting to find a way to spend more time with their families, make more money, travel more, work less, you name it.
2. They visualize success. Entrepreneurs don't just think about it. They see it. They spend a great deal of time “seeing success”. This “positive thinking” technique has been around for a long time and it works. It helps create faith in yourself, and that is a prerequisite for anyone even thinking about starting a business. They never stop using this visualization process: It keeps goals shining brightly, and for the entrepreneur, there are always new goals to reach for.
3. They are focused. Once the course is charted, the work begins. There will be phone calls, e-mails, and paperwork. They keep their organizational plans in mind, and keep striving to achieve each step, one at a time.
4. They think Big. They never limit themselves. Thinking small when you can be thinking big is definitely limiting your potential. People are capable of doing great things, but not if they don’t envision great things to be done. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to think and act - that's the way to get things done. But if you think small, you can only act small. That is no way to achieve ultimate success.
Bottom line: Owning a business is, without question, your best option to achieve financial success. Think about it; people get rich starting their own business, not working as employees. The former provides you leverage, the latter you are the leverage for your boss. So be confident, become an entrepreneur and enjoy the feeling of being wealth and have your life in your own hands. Millionaire status is closer than you think.
In your Service,
Matt Hempel, 800.813.9591