Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Entrepreneurs: the 80/20 Rule and Keeping the Main Thing

In my Liberty League direct sales business, profits are huge and entrpreprenurs are looking for ways to make more money in direct sales using leverage. Marketing is also very important to grow business and get new customers. It's critical, though, to understand that leverage is the most powerful force in being profitable.

Identifying the areas of most significance leverage is critical in other words

The 80/20 rule was originally proposed by an Italian philospher, Pareto several centuries ago. He stated that 80 percent of your business would come from 20 percent of your customers, 80 percent of your problems would come from 20 percent of your customers and 80 percent of productivity comes from completing 20% of your tasks.

So think about how you prioritize your day and the things you have to do. What can be delegated? Outsourced? completed by your spouse, kids? associates? Keep the main thing the main thing and recognize that 80% of your benefit and profitabilty will come from 20% of your efforts. Thinking like an entrepreur, in home business direct sales.

Keeping the Main thing....
Matt Hempel

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Zig Zag to Success in Business

This is an excellent article By T. Harv Eker of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Book. It's required reading for all entrepreneurs in direct sales business to create wealth in business planning.

T.Harv Eker is the author of The Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth. I've gotten huge results from his book and his message.
Zig-Zag Your Way to Success
By T.Harv Eker

Although we'd prefer everything go perfectly straight from beginning to end, our journey to success seldom turns out that way.

In fact the "straight" route is completely unnatural. Did you know there are no perfectly straight lines in the universe? Everything is energy. Energy travels in waves. Therefore "straight" doesn't even exist. Yet, notice how when things go a little off course, most people get frustrated, get down, and want to give up.

So why do we get upset when things don't go the way we'd like them to go? Because we have an "expectation" that is virtually impossible to meet.

The simple truth is that the journey to success is full of twists, turns, ups, downs, stops and reverses. By fully understanding this fact, you can now begin or continue your journey knowing that you, like everyone else on this planet, will have to "zig zag" your way to success!

The beauty of this knowledge is that you won't be deluded into having unrealistic expectations of the "straight line to the top" syndrome. Without these expectations chances are you won't get as upset or even give up, when things aren't going your way, because you know being off track is normal and therefore "perfect".

A good example of what I'm talking about is man's mission to the moon in 1969. During that extraordinarily successful flight do you know how often the spacecraft was actually "on course"? Believe it or not, it was straight on path only 3 percent of the time. That means it spent 97 percent of the time, "off course"! That also means it spent the majority of its time, "correcting".

The same holds true for the journey to success. Expect to spend a large amount of your time, "correcting".

This is why "perfectionists" have a difficult time being highly successful. Perfectionism is a form of fear. It is usually based in the fear of failure or the fear of disapproval. In either case, perfectionism often leads to paralysis. Perfectionists are scared to death of making mistakes and therefore either avoid taking action or are painfully slow.

The truth is, most people are afraid to make mistakes. It's no wonder, since many of us grew up being embarrassed or "punished" for our mistakes. Yet if you want to succeed, you must be willing to accept mistakes and inefficiencies as part of the journey.

I'm sure you've heard of Babe Ruth. He was known as the home run king of baseball. What many people don't know, however, is that he was also the "strike out" king!

Mistakes are our natural way of learning. They are the "feedback" we need for correction.

Let me share with you the Ultimate Success Formula:

TAKE ACTION, GET THE FEEDBACK, LEARN, MAKE THE CORRECTION, TAKE MORE ACTION, ETC. Repeat this process again and again until you reach your goal.

As long as you continue this cycle, and NEVER GIVE UP, in the long run, can you see how it is it virtually impossible to fail?

This month adopt the attitude that correction is natural and focus on continuously acting and correcting until you get to wherever you want to go.

The secret to success is to "zig zag" your way to the top. The secret to happiness is to smile along the way.


Correction is natural.

Mistakes are how I learn.

I expect a winding road.

I never give up.

I zig zag my way to success.


Mistakes will be made whether you like it or not. I recently read Larry Winget's new book, "It's Called Work for a Reason". Winget states acknowledging mistakes, making it right the best you can, and moving on is the best formula for leadership training and business success in direct sales.

In your service,
Matt Hempel

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Entrepreneurs: The Secret to Weath Creation

The secret once again has developed a superb visualization and affirmation tool that delivers results. This is brilliantly done and I recommend it to everyone that wants results from using the secret to create wealth as an entrepreneur in a home business that cashflows properly.

These affirmations are powerful and they work. Injecting emotion into your visualizations helps manifest them a thousand times faster. I commend to you the secret to wealth for entrepreneurs and businesses everywhere

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Entrepreneurs: Direct Sales Business Model Works

How many times have you Seen MLM type network marketing business models that are complicated, hierarchical and beneficial really only to those that get in at the beginning. One of the things I counsel people on when looking to start a business is to look at a couple key things:

1. Is it direct sales - in other words do you get paid first and directly? or do you have to wait for the company to send you a paycheck (sounds like working a job doesn't it?)

2. Does it cash flow properly?

All entrepreneurs look at the big picture of cash flow and direct sales to determine the viability of any business proposal.

Entrepreneurs having success in direct sales also depends on effective marketing. There are literally dozens of ways to effectively market your business. We teach many ways for entrepreneurs to make money, create wealth and be successful through effective marketing 101.